General Data Protection Regulation

NATURAL SOLUTIONS IS GDPR COMPLIANT. When you supply your personal details to this clinic they are stored and processed for 3 reasons:

  1. We have a legal obligation to maintain medical notes in order to provide you with treatment.
  2. We also think that it is important that we contact you in order to confirm your appointments with us or to update you on matters related to your medical care. Under the GDPR, this is known as legitimate interest.
  3. In the form of articles. You may withdraw this consent at any time - just let us know.

We have a legal obligation to retain your records for 8 years after your most recent appointment (or age 25, if this is longer), but after this period you can ask us to delete your records if you wish. Otherwise we will retain your records indefinitely in order that we can provide you with the best possible care should you need to see us at some future date.

Your records are stored:

  • On paper in locked filing cabinets, and the offices are always locked and alarmed out of working hours.
  • Electronically ("in the cloud") using a specialist medical records service. This provider has given us their assurances that they are fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations. Access to this data is password protected and passwords are changed regularly.
  • On our office computers. These are password protected and backed up regularly, and the office is locked and alarmed out of working hours.

We will never share your data with anyone who does not need access without your written permission. Only the following people/agencies will have routine access to your data:

  • The medical records service who store and process our files.
  • Your practitioner in order that she can provide you with treatment.
  • Our reception staff, because they organise the diaries and coordinate appointments and reminders.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or to arrange an initial appointment. You can also call or text on 07966453796 or 02086843888 .

We are happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

Find out more by reading my Data Protection Regulation.

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Data Protection Regulation